There is a “dismal” lack of cultural diversity across government and the private sector, according to new research.

The former chair of the USA’s largest chemical company has donated $13.5 million to ...

A defence think tank says Australia’s cyber-weaponry could be improved by sharing more data with the private sector.

ATO whistle-blowers have alleged the department is revenue-driven and targets small businesses that are less likely to complain.

An author is seeking to shed light on the 'other' Big Four...

A new AEMO report says SA’s giant lithium battery outperformed coal and gas generators on key measures last summer.

Santos has received a $13.5 billion takeover offer from US firm Harbour Energy.

BP once proposed that an oil spill in the Great Australian Bight would provide a “welcomed boost” to local economies.

A new report says an Australian biofuel industry could create thousands of direct jobs and generate billions in revenue each year.

More legal action is expected following a scathing Senate report into pelvic mesh implants.

NBN Co’s fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) technology has gone live.

A new survey has found out of pocket medical bills commonly exceed $10,000 for patients with breast cancer and certain chronic conditions.

Global spending on solar was higher than any other energy source last year.

The Federal Government is pushing AGL to sell the Liddell power plant instead of closing it.

New AUSTRAC chief Nicole Rose says there is a shocking level of money laundering in the economy.

Experts at investment bank UBS say an expected tightening of lending standards will cut credit availability.

Australia's exporters have posted a second consecutive solid monthly trade surplus.

Humanist groups say the $60 million-a-year school chaplains program harms freedom of religion.

A new report has found educational inequality is widening the gap between rich and poor.

A new APRA survey suggests the finance sector has a lot of work to do to meet levels of best practice.

An inquiry has told the Senate not to cap the salaries of public sector bosses.

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