Woolworths' planned pay structure for its online shopping centre workforce has been knocked back.

AGL says it is taking its emissions reduction plan seriously.

The Federal Government appears to have scrapped plans for a nuclear waste dump in regional South Australia.

A $44 Million funding boost has been provided to support at-risk First Nations families.

The Albanese government may ban Australian investment in sensitive technology projects in China, mirroring a move by the US.

A new inquiry will examine policy and program design effectiveness across the APS.

Queensland’s Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) has been ranked highest in workplace satisfaction among public servants in the state.

Coal workers have gone on strike in NSW.

Unions say Chevron and Woodside Energy are seeking “scab” labour sources.

Economists want the Future Fund shut down and its assets sold in order to tackle national debt.

The Federal Parliament has extended a formal apology to the victims of the unlawful Robodebt scheme.

Universities Australia has committed to a new national survey on campus sexual assault.

Protesters have gathered outside South Australia's Supreme Court in solidarity with ATO whistleblower Richard Boyle.

A digital identity expert says plans for the myGovID app will not work without an overhaul.

NBN Co has fallen short of its fibre upgrade target.

The Federal Government is launching a crackdown on tax adviser misbehaviour.

Legislation to establish the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) has been tabled.

US President Joe Biden has limited specific American investments in critical Chinese technology sectors.

New reports provide an update on the current condition of the Great Barrier Reef, sounding an alarm about ...

The WA Government has reversed course on its Aboriginal heritage laws.

Experts and leaders have gathered to discuss the impending impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on industries.

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