Strong opposition has again been raised against a proposed coal mine expansion in NSW.

Doctors have slammed the unwillingness of quad bike manufacturers to make their vehicles safer.

The AER has released its State of the Energy Market 2020 report.

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann has announced he is leaving politics.

Government funding will soon start flowing to agencies in real-time.

Germany is working on laws for its planned phase-out of coal and nuclear energy sources.

Hydro Tasmania's consulting business has been criticised for its actions in Africa.

The ALP says it would like to reduce regulations on major projects.

Research shows employers cannot afford to axe mature workers.

Victoria’s workplace manslaughter laws have come into effect.

The Commonwealth has dumped 42 charges against an ATO whistleblower.

Federal authorities have frozen millions in assets after three public servants allegedly conspired to influence IT contracts.

A former fintech star has been engulfed in a massive misconduct case.

NSW’s environment minister has approved a new coal mine amid local opposition and a plunging coal price.

The Federal Government re-announced billions in existing military spending this week.

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