The Queensland Government has announced a ban on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in its section of the Great Artesian Basin. 

Premier Steven Miles has declared the prohibition as a part of the state's broader environmental protection strategy.

New legislation will permanently prohibit all greenhouse gas storage activities, including CCS and enhanced oil or petroleum recovery that uses greenhouse gas streams, within the basin. 

The legislation clarifies that such activities are not permissible in underground formations of the Great Artesian Basin. 

However, these activities may continue in other regions of Queensland, subject to stringent assessment and approval processes.

To support the continued safety of greenhouse gas storage outside the Great Artesian Basin, a Technical Expert Panel will be established to review related safety aspects. This panel is expected to report back in 2025. 

The state says its upcoming budget will allocate up to $32 million for the ongoing bore capping program, with Queensland seeking a matching contribution from the Australian Government. 

The funding supports the implementation of the Great Artesian Basin and Other Regional Aquifers Water Plan, which mandates all artesian stock and domestic bores to have watertight delivery systems by 2032.

The state says its schemes so far have conserved over 226,000 megalitres of water, significantly boosting groundwater pressure in the Great Artesian Basin. 

This increased pressure has led to the resurgence of natural springs and wetland ecosystems, which provide crucial habitats for native wildlife and plants.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) involves capturing carbon dioxide emissions from industrial processes and storing them underground to prevent their release into the atmosphere. 

A recent proposal by Carbon Transport and Storage Corporation (CTSCo), a subsidiary of Glencore, to inject CO2 into the Precipice Sandstone within the Great Artesian Basin was rejected following a rigorous three-year assessment that found the project unsuitable due to potential impacts on groundwater resources.