A charity has put together a book that may be the perfect combination of practical and academic advice to save lives.

China has signed a deal to build the first stage of a line that will cross several African nations.

The Queensland Government has put up its new blueprint for the future of mining, outlining the state’s intentions for the next thirty resourceful years.

The head of the Transport Workers Union has a recommendation which could deliver a better standard of politician.

Dart Energy has given up its dream to become a global player in non-conventional gas, agreeing to a merger with a UK operator that will see it dump assets.

A giant is about to make its gargantuan presence known on the global market, with the public float of the Chinese tech firm Alibaba.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) will launch court action against Origin Energy for overstating its claims.

Insiders say public sector job cuts have caused many to take a new path, launching a number of new tech industry start-ups.

The Federal Education Minister has given the strongest indication that university fees will be deregulated next week.

Company directors have become progressively less confident in the Abbott Government since it came to power, a survey says. 

Two colluders at the top of a $700 million industry super fund have been brought down in a corporate expenses scandal.

The Federal Government has signalled its intention to shut several onshore asylum seeker centres, a week after the Commission of Audit labelled offshore processing a waste of money.

Federal MP and mining billionaire Clive Palmer has served defamation papers on Queensland's Premier, over his claims that Mr Palmer is trying to “buy” government.

An attempt to set up a fast-track for planning in the ACT is not going to quickly, with partisan bickering throwing the process into chaos.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in New South Wales will take a break to consider new evidence of “serious electoral funding irregularities”.

It is becoming difficult to find those who believe that the proposed ‘budget debt levy’ is a good idea.

The royal commission into the Rudd government’s home insulation scheme continues, and comments of some authorities have shown just how rushed the plan was.

One of the key people behind Queensland’s environmental policies is also a manager in the coal sector.

BHP says it has tasted success and will continue trials of driverless trucks.

A former Queensland Department of Transport boss has taken over the top job at the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator.

Iron ore mogul Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest has invested millions in a small Australian uranium company.

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