The latest report has shown some encouraging gains from attempts to close the gap in Indigenous education.

There is very little support around for Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s latest legal moves, which critics say are designed to spare his government the embarrassment hitting the LNP in New South Wales.

With no meaningful federal option, state governments are being urged to create better protections for whistleblowers.

As the tough federal budget continues to take a bashing, a new report may show how government businesses can find some more room to move.

Some leading figures in the Australian research community say the $20 billion “medical research future fund” is a good idea, but will not work unless the policy-makers start listening to scientists.

Comcare, the workers’ compensation insurance body, has put out a handy tool to help reduce the psychological damage of rapidly changing workplaces.

The operators of one NSW coal mine say their healthy lifestyle program for workers has boosted mining output.

Some more details on the planned purchase of nearly 100 questionably-effective Joint Strike Fighters, with some talk that a vertical landing option could bring the cost even higher.

CSR’s profits have jumped in the last year, up 143 per cent from a lively construction sector.

An expensive few days at Leighton Holdings, as the engineering and construction giant pays out a $70 million class action and gives a $23 million golden handshake to two departing executives.

One of Australia’s largest coal supporters has given a glimpse of how much money it costs to “do business in New South Wales”.

Japan's Industry Ministry has given a glimpse of the soil-freezing technique it hopes will stop the spread of a radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site.

Analysts say the future of renewable energy investment in Australia is looking rough.

Chinese authorities have charged a British executive from pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline over a range of corrupt activities, in a case designed to send a warning that things in China have changed.

The Federal Government is cutting $120 million from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) funding.

Some investors are outraged at the decision to appoint Tony Hayward as the new chairman of Glencore Xstrata.

New amendments mean the Australian Government will be able to detain refugees indefinitely.

Tough times have hit news firm Fairfax Media, and it could mean dozens of rural newspapers end their circulation.

Public conflict can cost big companies in many ways, and new research shows how great that effect has been for one key economic driver.

Freight may be one of the few sectors looking optimistic after Budget night, with road, rail and sea transport all given a hand.

Australia’s research industries have been reformed after last night’s budget announcements, with healthy boosts in some areas but deep cuts in others.

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