Experts have detailed ways to ensure a sustainable future for the Murray-Darling Basin.

Australia is expanding water quality monitoring from space.

The Australian government has invested $1 billion in the US-based quantum computer startup, PsiQuantum.

Mining giants BHP and Vale have proposed a $38 billion settlement over the catastrophic failure of the Samarco tailings dam in 2015.

Reports say the workplace watchdog has dropped 30 per cent of cases against the CFMEU.

An executive is suing over HR gossip and surveillance.

Victorian MP Darren Cheeseman has resigned from the Labor Party following a series of allegations of misconduct towards his staff.

A concerningly high rate of people admit to using technology to sexually harass colleagues at work.

Progress has been made on a National Firearms Register decades in the making.

Concern has been raised around a gas deal meant to secure the NT’s energy future.

A new study sets a timetable for optimal daily activity.

A government committee has called for a $17 per day increase in JobSeeker payments.

New research finds most national COVID-19 treatment guidelines recommend treatments that do not work.

Medical patients might be less likely to die if their doctor is female.

The IEA wants to ensure global climate pledges are carried out.

The Resources Minister has excused herself from decision-making on the contentious Petroleum Export Permit 11 (PEP-11).

The Government wants public input on a plan to expand the eSafety Commissioner’s powers.

WA has urged the Commonwealth to apply its “use it or lose it” policy for energy companies holding undeveloped offshore gas field licences.

BHP's proposed a takeover of Anglo American has been knocked back.

A spike in tertiary education loan costs has prompted more calls for reform.

The chair of Mental Health Australia has resigned citing profound disappointment with the Albanese government's ...

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