The APS formal bargaining process is scheduled to commence on March 30, according to the Australian Public Service Commission. 

The commission says that invitations will be extended to union and bargaining representatives after all agencies receive details of nominated representatives by March 17. 

The CPSU has indicated that it will be soon voting on its service-wide bargaining claim, with National Secretary Melissa Donnelly stating that the claim will help address the current recruitment crisis and provide a real pay increase to public sector workers. 

Recruitment issues, including pay fragmentation, have plagued the public sector, with APS-wide bargaining aiming to reduce pay fragmentation across the APS. 

The negotiations are being led by deputy commissioner Peter Riordan, with the taskforce regularly engaging with a representative from every APS agency. 

Public service minister Katy Gallagher has emphasised the importance of good faith during the bargaining process.