The mining sector has added its booming voice to the chorus of discontent over proposed adjustments for more federal money.

The ACCC has warned energy generators that they will have to pay back money collected for the carbon tax, if it is repealed.

China’s attempts to rid the internet of pornography and “indecent” content have led to a near $1 million fine for one provider.

A senior federal minister says big companies and unions should be banned from making political donations.

The recent Commission of Audit report suggests big changes are on the way for Australian healthcare.

Recent discoveries suggest that the blood of the young may help regenerate old muscles and organs.

Samsung will pay $129 million to Apple after a US jury decided it had stolen elements of Apple designs.

ANZ has posted a half-year cash profit of $3.5 billion, beating forecasts by about $3.4 billion.

A key business group and some rising Australian entrepreneurs have slammed the way the federal government chooses suppliers for billions of dollars worth of contracts.

The university sector will be waiting to hear its funding future, with a number of recommendations to reduce the role of public money.

Protests are planned to make sure the world does not forget about 200 Nigerian schoolgirls, who have been missing for more than two weeks.

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