While NBN Co drags its heels, outside forces have reported on its progress.

NBN Co published a three-year construction plan in October 2015 that it claimed was going to be updated quarterly, but that did not happen, and the report was scrapped in late 2016.

The company says the progress reports that it would have issued are now available on its website.

However, the tools for looking up progress on the national project only allow users to look at one property at a time.

This has made it effectively impossible to get an overall view, until now.

Tech news outlet ITnews has put together and published its own updated three-year construction plan.

It put the report together by collating and analysing data on premises that were in the existing three-year plan, and new sites added to NBN Co’s construction schedule since.

It is a truly mind-bending effort.

ITnews created a 138-page document covering over 4300 specific regions, based on 25,000 'pin drops' from the online NBN maps.

The journalists involved have already published pages of in-depth analysis, including investigations of;


EDITOR’S NOTE: The effort to provide an update on Australia’s largest and most expensive infrastructure project should not have fallen to the media, but in this case, readers should be glad that it has.

Massive props, ITnews.